Saturday, March 12, 2005
Friday, March 11, 2005
Prevent Foot Problems When Walking
Americans are on the go. According to a NSGA Survey, 71 million American adults are exercise walkers, making walking the top sport in the United States. Taking steps daily to improve health will help with America's obesity epidemic. Sixty five percent of Americans are overweight, which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and some types of cancer. Walking an extra 2000 steps a day is equivalent to walking a distance of 1 mile and to burning 100 calories. Burning an extra 100 calories a day is equivalent to losing about 10 pounds in a year. The American Podiatric Medical Association teamed with Prevention Magazine to name the "12 Best Walking Cities in the U.S." The cities were examined based on their crime rate, air quality, mass transit, historic sites, museums, parks and gyms. The top 12 cities were San Francisco, San Diego, Honolulu, Washington, DC, San Antonio, El Paso, St. Louis, Madison, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and New Jersey. National campaigns, health practitioners and even major corporations are encouraging Americans to walk more. Unfortunately, many sedentary individuals who start walking programs quickly develop foot problems. Almost sixty million Americans have foot problems and many develop them after beginning a new exercise routine. A foot injury can take weeks, even months to heal and many will gain more weight during this healing period. Preventing these problems through education will keep Americans walking. 1. Buy a shoe made for walking. Make sure the shoe has enough stability and support. If you can fold the shoe in half, it is too flexible. Make sure the shoe has enough room at the toes and is fitted well at the heel. 2. Start on flat surfaces. Do not start a walking program walking on hills or stairs. 3. Start with a short distance. Stick with that distance for a week. If you are pain free and injury free, increase the distance the following week. 4. Start with an easy pace. Increase your pace gradually. 5. Choose soft surfaces. Walking on a track or a trail will decrease the impact on your feet and legs. Cement can be a particularly hard surface to walk on. 6. Limit your time on the treadmill. Treadmills can contribute to the development of foot problems. Start with the treadmill flat and at a slow pace. Slowly increase your pace each week. Increase the incline after you have reached a comfortable pace. 7. Stop if you feel foot or ankle pain. Don't try to walk through the pain. 8. Examine your feet. Look areas of rub or irritation the first few weeks of your walking program and then again after trying new shoes or socks. Moleskin can be placed on areas of irritation to help decrease friction. Do not use bandaids on these areas. 9. Consider wearing orthotics. Individuals with flat feet may need inserts for their shoes. When buying inserts, look for sport othotics, as opposed to cushioned insoles. A more rigid insert will offer more support. Custom orthotics can be made by a podiatrist if necessary. 10. Avoid cotton socks. Synthetic socks decrease friction, prevent excess rubbing and don't absorb moisture. Your local running store or sports store should carry a variety of new high-tech socks for walking. Consult your podiatrist if you start to develop pain when walking, or consider a visit before embarking on your new walking program. Christine Dobrowolski is a podiatrist and the author of Those Aching Feet: Your Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Foot Problems. To learn more about Dr. Dobrowolski and her book visit or
How You Can Erase Low Back Pain Using the Latest Medical Techniques
“If you’re one the nine out of ten adults in the United States who suffers from low back pain, I have good news for you!” states Dr. Nathan Wei, a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. “Low back pain is the most expensive work-related injury as well as the third most common reason for a surgical procedure,” Dr. Wei adds. The spine is a complex collection... It consists of bones, called vertebrae, and the joints that allow them to interact; discs that separate the vertebrae from each other; the spinal cord and nerves; the soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments that help hold the spine together. Your spine has 3 major functions including protecting the spinal cord, supporting the body in an upright position, and allowing the body to move freely. The four major categories of low back pain are: • Mechanical- arising from either trauma or repetitive motion • Degenerative- usually from arthritic causes • Systemic- arising from medical illnesses • Stress-induced Mechanical causes are responsible for more than 90% of back pain and the most common cause of back pain is probably muscle injury due to strain or sprain. Other common causes include disc herniation, spondylolisthesis (a condition where the vertebra slips on the one below it), spinal stenoiss (narrowing of the canal that carries the spinal cord), scoliosis (curvature of the spine), osteoporosis (a disease where the bones become fragile and break), and arthritis. Bone tumors are another potential cause. “Treatment is entirely dependent on diagnosis!” Dr. Wei says, “There are simple ways to help your back. For instance use the log roll technique to get into and out of bed. Think of your body as a log, and make sure you move it as a unit... rolling into and out of bed.”... He says, “use the same idea when getting into and out of your car. Don’t twist or stick one leg one way and the other leg a different way. Move your body as a unit...” Check your work area Make sure your computer, chair, and other parts of your work environment are “friendly” to your back. Good support for your low back as well as your legs is important. Exercise regularly Dr. Wei reminds us, “...Stretching is important for your spine…Since rotation is a key movement and the upright position is part of our daily routine, we need to incorporate exercises that stretch and strengthen those muscles that are important for twisting and for posture.” Space Age Treatment “A new addition to our low back pain tool kit is a procedure device called intervertebral disc decompression or IDD. It helps decompress the vertebrae non-surgically, and non-invasively. Studies to date have shown a response rate of up to 86%,” adds Dr. Wei Dr. Wei concludes, “Surgical procedures are a last ditch effort...and should be reserved for patients who have pain unresponsive to conservative treatment or who have a progressive neurologic problem.” Dr. Wei (pronounced “way”) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:
Who Else Wants General Information on Arthritis?
Today there are about 70 million Americans with arthritis…that’s one person out of every four who suffer both pain and the expense of this crippling disease. In one year alone, arthritis will be responsible for over half a billion dollars in lost wages. The economic consequences of arthritis are important to review because each year, arthritis takes a devastating financial toll on our society. Over the course of ten years, arthritis related work loss has been associated with a 37% drop in income for arthritics – all those without arthritis had a 90% rise in income over the same period of time! If you…a friend…or a relative has arthritis, it’s important to know that early treatment can help sufferers continue with their normal daily lives and remain productive members of the community. The term “arthritis” is derived from the Greek: “arthron” meaning “joint” and “itis” meaning inflammation. Arthritis is a word that describes over 100 different conditions, some involving inflammation and others not. Arthritis is not a single disease. It encompasses about 100 different conditions, that affect joints and that pose unique problems for diagnosis and treatment. Some common types of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, pseudo-gout, ankylosing spondylitis, polymyalgia rheumatica, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter’s disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and fibromyalgia. Most types of arthritis involve joint inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection. For an example of inflammation, take a simple scratch…your body automatically releases chemicals that cause fluids to accumulate and white blood cells to gather around the area of the scratch. As your body fights foreign substances and bacteria, inflammation…redness…heat…swelling…and pain occur at the sight of the injury. In arthritis, unfortunately, this natural defense mechanism goes awry. Elements from the blood designed to fight infection and repair injury attack the body instead. And, unless this inflammatory process is halted, it will continue to attack the body and cause joint destruction. So you can begin to see how treatments that just relieve the pain associated with arthritis – but that do not reduce inflammation – may not adequately treat this disease. Getting proper treatment early on is important…because proper care can help arthritis sufferers lead more active and comfortable lives. Yet many people with arthritis delay going to a physician. Either they have fear about going to a doctor or they feel that nothing can be done for arthritis. Other reasons include the notion that all arthritis medicines are harmful or arthritis is just a normal part of aging. Some people try unproven remedies which also delay proper diagnosis and treatment. Since arthritis may evolve gradually, people often ignore its early warning symptoms or signs. These include persistent pain, tenderness, or swelling in one or more joints…symptoms that should not be dismissed as signs of age. Other warning symptoms are joint pain and stiffness…especially when they appear in the morning. Low back pain is one of the earliest symptoms of arthritis. For people over the age of 60, arthritis is the most frequent cause of low back pain. The activity of arthritis varies unpredictably. Symptoms are cyclic in nature and seem to come and go. Therefore, it is important to remember that any symptoms or signs of arthritis that last for more than six weeks – no matter how mild – should be checked by a physician. And, if symptoms are severe, then even waiting six weeks might be too long. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Joint inflammation is involved in both. But, these types of arthritis differ in terms of…age of patients who are affected…the joints involved…the pattern of stiffness…and the potential for disability. Close to 16 million Americans have osteoarthritis – the most common type of arthritis. Although osteoarthritis can occur at any age, it most often begins in people in their 50’s and 60’s. Osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease is a disorder of cartilage – the gristle that covers the ends of long bones. Cartilage is made of cell called chondrocytes which sit inside a framework made up of collagen and proteoglyens. Under normal conditions, chondrocytes make collagen and proteoglycens – in other works – they make the framework they sit inside. With osteoarthritis, chondrocytes behave abnormally and begin to make destructive enzymes such as collagenasese, stromelysin and others. These enzymes degrade cartilage…these enzymes also attract inflammatory cells which secrete substances called cytokines which cause further inflammation and damage to cartilage, underlying bone, and the joint lining. This process results in progressive pain, stiffness, and loss of function. Joint pain and stiffness are the most noticeable symptoms of osteoarthritis. Morning stiffness is usually brief lasting less than 15 minutes. Osteoarthritis usually affects weight bearing areas particularly the neck, low back, hips and knees. It may also affect the fingers and hands and bony knobs may appear at the finger joints. The base of the thumb may also be affected. The typical pattern of osteoarthritis in the hands involves the distal and proximal interphalangeal (DIP and PIP) joints of the fingers, and the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint of the thumb. Osteoarthritis is considered to be a degenerative joint disease. Along with inflammation, there is wear and tear on the inside of the joint. This causes damage to the cartilage (the substance that forms the surface of the joints and works as a shock absorber). As the cartilage wears thin, the underlying bone is damaged. This process results in progressive pain, stiffness, and loss of function. Osteoarthritis does not need to be disabling and with the proper medical care can be managed easily. Rheumatoid arthritis is the other most common type of arthritis. It is more common in women and affects 7 million Americans…or one out of every five arthritis patients. It may affect any age group, although onset is most common in middle age. Rheumatoid arthritis is usually characterized by heat, swelling, and pain in multiple joints in both the right and left sides of the body, including the hands, wrists, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Spinal involvement also occurs on occasion. The typical pattern of rheumatoid arthritis in the hands involves the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints, the metacarpal phalangeal (MCP) joints, the wrists, and the elbows. Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis can affect the entire body. People with this disease may feel sick all over…tire easily…lose their appetite…and lose weight. In rheumatoid arthritis, the tissue that surrounds and nourishes the joints is attacked by the body’s immune system. The body mistakenly perceives its own tissue as foreign, and it reacts by sending special white blood cells and toxic chemicals called cytokines to destroy the foreign material. (The cytokine abnormalities that cause the damage in rheumatoid arthritis are different from the abnormalities seen in osteoarthritis.) This process of white cell migration and cytokine release damages the joint. Although we do not know the cause of rheumatoid arthritis, researchers are investigating several possibilities. Another interesting point about rheumatoid arthritis is that this disease can affect the internal organs including the lungs, skin, blood vessels, spleen, heart, and muscles. If rheumatoid arthritis is not well controlled it can damage the joints irreversibly and cause serious disability. To diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, the rheumatologist establishes the presence of joint pain and inflammation lasting at least six weeks and then looks for signs of the course of the disease that are characteristic for rheumatoid arthritis. There are also blood tests that aid in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a series of flare-ups followed by a period where there are mild or no symptoms. Usually, the pain and disability of rheumatoid arthritis progresses gradually. Morning stiffness generally lasts longer than half an hour and may last several hours depending on the severity of the condition. Most forms of arthritis persist for the patient’s lifetime. Medication cannot usually reverse the bone and soft tissue damage caused by arthritis. However, new methods of measuring inflammation and its response to medication and other treatments offer valuable information to physicians…and can help to evaluate the arthritis sufferer’s discomfort. Magnetic resonance imaging is one such technique. This method using the effects that strong magnets have on water molecules to provide exquisite images of the interior of the body. MRI has been used to diagnose and also assess the degree of damage within joints of patients suffering from arthritis. It is also helpful for evaluating the effect of new drugs. Although there is no cure for arthritis, proper treatment can help tremendously. The goal of arthritis treatment is to relieve the pain and stiffness due to the progressive destruction caused by inflammation, and to maintain or increase freedom of movement. Among the advancements that have taken place in the medical treatment of arthritis are various disease-modifying medications that not only relieve symptoms but also help slow down the progression of disease. Other advances include various cartilage sparing drugs, cartilage growing drugs, and also biologic remedies. These drugs act by blocking the destructive effects of enzymes such as metalloproteases in osteoarthritis and cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis. By targeting specific processes, relief of symptoms and healing of damage can take place with presumably fewer side effects. What can you do if you think you have arthritis? First, you can consult your doctor. This is important because medical issues are complicated and your doctor, who understands your health needs, can prescribe the best treatment for you. The type of doctor who can best evaluate arthritis is called a rheumatologist. These are physicians who have completed four years of medical school, three years of internal medicine residency, and three years of rheumatology fellowship. While arthritis can be a serious disease that can progress and cause disability, science has come up with some new answers for arthritis sufferers. It is now up to the arthritis sufferer to recognize early warning signs and symptoms and to see a rheumatologist. With proper medical care, the course of this crippling disease may change and people can help to be returned to fully active lives – without pain and crippling disability. Dr. Wei (pronounced “way”) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:
A Fresh Start Plan for People With Neck Pain!
“If you have to deal with chronic neck pain, it can be a real struggle. I know… because I’ve had to do it myself,” states Dr. Nathan Wei, a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of The Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. How arthritis causes neck pain... The neck is an interesting structure. It's made up of 7 bones stacked on top of each other. Each is separated from each other in the front by fibrous cushions called discs, and from each other in the back by special joints called facet joints. “The maximum movement of the neck occurs between the 4th and 6th cervical vertebrae...and this is where the most wear and tear in arthritis is seen,” says Dr. Wei Pain can come from anywhere! Dr Wei adds, “… anything in the rear part of the brain can cause referred pain to the neck….This includes aneurysms, infections, and tumors…. Also, neck pain can be referred from the shoulder, the upper chest, or even the heart! …Problems in the soft tissues of the neck such as growths or tumors affecting the thyroid gland, esophagus (food pipe) or trachea (wind pipe) can also lead to neck pain Injury to the muscles and ligaments (example= whiplash auto accident) can cause neck pain. Dr. Wei declares, “This is the type of problem I have had for many years. I’ve been rear-ended a few times and I have degenerative arthritis in the neck at the C5-6 level. Patients I have talked with agree with me when I report popping or grinding in the neck with movement. Other patients say it “feels like sand back there” when they move their head…” Pain from whiplash can radiate up the back of the head and cause headache. It may also radiate into the shoulders or between the shoulder blades. Dr. Wei also adds, “Some types of neck pain are dangerous. When neck problems are associated with pressure on the spinal cord, this is called myelopathy and is a neurosurgical emergency!” What are the most effective treatments? Treatment obviously depends on making the correct diagnosis. According to Dr. Wei, the goals of treatment are to relieve pain, improve range of motion, prevent weakening of muscles, and restore function. Among the common treatments are non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory medicines or NSAIDS, topical agents such as Myorx, soft neck collars, neck support pillows, and exercises. Dr. Wei firmly reminds us, “… evidence of instability or cord compression is a ticket to see the neurosurgeon stat…” Dr. Wei (pronounced “way”) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:
Eliminate Agonizing Hand Pain Quickly and Easily!
According to Dr. Nathan Wei, “The hand and wrist are the mirrors of disease.” While the cause of hand pain can be a localized problem, hand pain can also be the presenting sign for other diseases. The wrist and hand are capable of power and precision. As a result, pain and swelling are often accompanied by weakness of grip in hand disorders. A careful history and a complete physical examination are important. The presence of symptoms elsewhere in the body is important to establish. Two serious hand problems are: • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). This is caused by a disorder of the sympathetic nervous system. Typically, it is described as a burning pain. The precipitating factor may be trauma Color changes including purplish discoloration of the fingers may occur. The treatment involves a special procedure called stellate ganglion block. Usually performed by an anesthesiologist, this procedure is often very effective. • Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. The hand becomes swollen and painful. This picture occasionally occurs in patients with underlying cancers. Other hand problems that point to other diseases: • Psoriasis may also cause pitting or lifting up (onycholysis) of the fingernails. • Abnormal blood vessel patterns near the fingernails may signify auto-immune diseases like lupus. • Raynaud's phenomenon... When fingers blanch (turn white) this may be a sign of an underlying autoimmune problem such as systemic lupus erythematosus or scleroderma. • Bumps, called “nodules” can develop as a result of osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. • Depuytren’s contracture is a problem where the skin in the palm may become thickened and shortened. A cord of tissue develops and causes fingers to bend into the palm. Treatment for this problem may be steroid injection, splinting, and physical therapy. Surgery is often needed. This condition occurs with other medical diseases. Virtually all types of arthritis can affect the wrist and hand. Arthritis when untreated or poorly treated will lead to deformity. Tendonitis is another common problem in the wrist and hand. In the wrist, tendonitis usually causes pain and localized swelling. Tendonitis can be confused with arthritis. Tendonitis in the hand is most common in the palm. This causes locking or triggering of the fingers. Steroid injection and physical therapy are usually effective treatments. Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication, steroid injection, splinting, and occasionally physical therapy. Tips to make your hand pain better... • Wear splints if you’re going to be doing a lot of repetitive motions • Use your whole arm instead of just your hand and wrist • Enlarge the handles on your tools. You can get kitchen utensils and writing implements with enlarges handles. They’re worth it. • Make sure to take rest breaks. • Avoid repetitive movements when possible. • Carry objects with the palms open and flat. This will take the pressure off your wrists and fingers. A common cause of hand pain is carpal tunnel syndrome ... pinching of the median nerve in the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a symptom- much like fever... it is not a disease! It is the most common cause of tingling in the hands. Besides tingling, burning pain may also occur. Patients often have discomfort at night that is relieved by hanging the affected hand over the side of the bed or vigorously shaking the hands. The discomfort of carpal tunnel syndrome can also be brought on by holding up the newspaper while reading, or by driving. Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include arthritis, endocrine problems, pregnancy, trauma, infection, tumors, and overuse. Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome depends on the severity. Mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome is treated with splinting, sometimes steroid injection, and avoidance of overuse. For patients with carpal tunnel syndrome that doesn’t respond to conservative measures or where the carpal tunnel syndrome is severe, surgery is indicated. Radial nerve damage leads to wrist drop. Radial nerve pressure in the wrist can occur as a result of repetitive motion, tight pressure (handcuffs, watchbands, bracelets), diabetes, and trauma. Ulnar nerve damage and compression in the wrist can cause a "claw hand." Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication, rest, splinting, injection, and sometimes surgery. Treatment of hand disorders is entirely dependent on making an accurate and specific diagnosis. Dr. Wei (pronounced “way”) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:
A really weird hydrocodone forum site
This site has a pile of strange postings, I think they must be a joke. I just don't quite understand but hey there are some funny pictures.
Hydrocodone? Chronic Pain Management for Cancer Patients
Chronic untreated pain is debilitating, it dramatically affects a patient’s ability to participate in daily routines and in some cases takes away their will to live. Tragically, many people are suffering chronic pain unnecessarily. This in part, due to them not being made aware of the importance of pain management and being shown the simple tools necessary to achieve it. Lack of knowledge regarding the benefits and side effects of available medication is also a factor.
Many patients associate morphine and methadone with drug addiction and are reluctant to take it due to their belief that it will cause them to become “high” or sedated, this and their attempts to brave out the pain, results in their pain spirally out of control. This could be prevented if they were informed that chronic pain effectively “uses up” medication and that these drugs when taken for the relief of pain associated with cancer, can dramatically reduce both the occurrence and intensity of pain, without causing sedation.
Not long after my husband’s terminal cancer diagnosis, I observed that despite his medication, he was in considerable pain and this upset me greatly - determined to help him, I turned to the internet to learn about the progressive symptoms of his disease, the pain he would experience and methods available to control it.
One of the most important things I learned, was that in order to obtain the best possible pain control – medication must be taken at regular prescribed times, regardless of whether pain is or isn’t present, effectively keeping in front of the pain.
I learned that there are different types of pain and that not all pain responds to the same medication; and how to measure intensity of pain and encouraged Brian to communicate to me - the type of pain he was experiencing and its intensity by using a pain scale. Brian soon realized the benefits of this - It was an immense relief for him- to know that I understood what he was experiencing and more importantly – that I could do something about it.
Despite the large amount of methadone Brian was taking; he remained active and alert, drove his car for eighteen months after diagnosis and was able to continue going fishing, which was the passion of his life. Keeping him out of pain became the reason for my existence and I was vigilant in giving him his medication at prescribed times.
There were many occasions when caring but uninformed loved ones and friends, said to me. “Brian does not need for you to be giving him medication at this time – he is not in pain”. And I would patiently explain to them, that the reason Brian was not in pain, was because the regular medication he was receiving effectively allowed for him to remain in front of it.
Experience has taught me that knowledge is the key, to better quality of life, not only for the cancer patient but for those who care for them. My understanding of the stages and symptoms of Brian’s disease, allowed for me to be one step ahead of its progression and gave me the opportunity to have medication and later, physical aids such as oxygen, wheelchair etc – on hand BEFORE Brian needed them. This alleviated much of the fear, pain and discomfort he would otherwise have suffered.
Article written by: Lorraine Kember – Author of “Lean on Me” Cancer through a Carer’s Eyes. Lorraine’s book is written from her experience of caring for her dying husband in the hope of helping others. It includes insight and discussion on: Anticipatory Grief, Understanding and identifying pain, Pain Management and Symptom Control, Chemotherapy, Palliative Care, Quality of Life and Dying at home. It also features excerpts and poems from her personal diary. Highly recommended by the Cancer Council. “Lean on Me” is not available in bookstores - For detailed information, Doctor’s recommendations, Reviews, Book Excerpts and Ordering Facility - visit her website
Hydrocodone Missed Dose:
Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Do not take a double dose of this medication. Wait the prescribed amount of time before taking your next dose. Storage Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Keep this and all medications out of the reach of children.
Hydrocodone Notes:
Avoid alcohol while taking acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Alcohol will greatly increase the drowsiness and dizziness caused by acetaminophen and hydrocodone and could be dangerous. Also, acetaminophen can damage your liver if you drink three or more alcoholic beverages a day. Avoid sleeping pills, tranquilizers, sedatives, and antihistamines except under the supervision of your doctor. These medications also may cause dangerous sedation. Do not share acetaminophen and hydrocodone with others for whom it was not prescribed, since they may have a problem that is not effectively treated by this drug.
Hydrocodone Drug Interactions:
Do not take acetaminophen and hydrocodone if you have taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) such as isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), or tranylcypromine (Parnate) in the last 14 days. Dangerous side effects could result. The most serious interactions affecting acetaminophen and hydrocodone are with those drugs that also cause sedation. Numerous drugs may lead to dangerous sedation if taken with acetaminophen and hydrocodone: Talk to your doctor and pharmacist before taking any prescription or over the counter medicines. Many other drugs contain acetaminophen, especially over-the-counter pain, fever, cold, and allergy medications.
Hydrocodone Precautions:
Hydrocodone is habit forming and should only be used under close supervision if you have an alcohol or drug addiction. Before taking this medication, tell your doctor if you have kidney disease; liver disease; asthma; urinary retention; an enlarged prostate; hypothyroidism; seizures epilepsy; gallbladder disease; a head injury; or Addison's disease. Do not take this medication without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or breast-feeding a baby. If you are younger than 18 years of age or older than 60 years of age, you may be more likely to experience side effects from acetaminophen and hydrocodone therapy. Use extra caution.
Possible Side Effects of Hydrocodone:
Stop taking acetaminophen and hydrocodone and seek emergency medical attention if you experience any of the following: an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue, or face; or hives); slow, weak breathing; seizures; cold, clammy skin; severe weakness or dizziness; unconsciousness; yellowing of the skin or eyes; or unusual fatigue, bleeding, or bruising. Less serious side effects may be more likely to occur. Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersome.
How to Use Hydrocodone:
Take acetaminophen and hydrocodone exactly as directed by your doctor. Take each dose with a full glass of water. Take acetaminophen and hydrocodone with food or milk if it upsets your stomach. Never take more of this medication than is prescribed for you. Too much acetaminophen and hydrocodone could be very harmful. Do not stop taking acetaminophen and hydrocodone suddenly if you have been taking it continuously for more than 5 to 7 days. Stopping suddenly could cause withdrawal symptoms and make you feel uncomfortable. Your doctor may want to gradually reduce your dose.
Uses of Hydrocodone
This medication is a combination of a narcotic (hydrocodone) and a non-narcotic (acetaminophen) used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Hydrocodone works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, and acetaminophen decreases the formation of prostaglandins, therefore relieving pain. Hydrocodone relieves pain. Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever that increases the effects of hydrocodone. Together, acetaminophen and hydrocodone are most commonly used to relieve moderate-to-severe pain. Acetaminophen and hydrocodone may also be used for purposes other than those listed here.
“Bodybuilding Sins” That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts
It’s one thing for someone who sits at a computer all day and never exercises to have back pain, but for a bodybuilder, someone who spends hours and hours each week pouring everything they’ve got into building muscle, it should be criminal!
The reason we say this is because, if you are going to spend so much time, money, and energy trying to build the “perfect body”, you have to make sure that you not only look good, but also feel good…
We’ve identified what we call “Bodybuilding Sins” that lead to back pain, sciatic pain, and other injuries… read em and take action now if you are serious about bodybuilding and are fed up with your back pain.
Because there is so much information to share with you, we’ve broken it down into a series of 5 articles, each covering a different component of how back pain affects bodybuilders.
Here’s a breakdown of the articles to look for:
1. Article #1 - Choosing The WRONG Exercises (below)2. Article #2 - Training Variations for Pain Relief and Maximum Results3. Article #3 - Targeted Stretching4. Article #4 - Targeted Exercises5. Article #5 - Rest, Recovery, and Injury Prevention
Article #1 - Choosing the WRONG Exercises
Get ready, this is gonna hurt! The exercises most bodybuilders focus on the most, are the ones that cause the most problems… hopefully, you’re different J
But before we share with you what those exercise are, let’s talk real quickly about what bodybuilding is…
The goal of bodybuilding isn’t to get as big as you can, or at least to us it isn’t and shouldn’t be, but to build a balanced body that is as strong as possible in every way. For example, while being freakishly big may get people’s attention, it serves you no purpose at all…
while on the other hand, what if you were not only big, but also extremely strong and powerful, lightning fast, flexible, and agile enough to kick ass if needed?
So many bodybuilders build massive amounts of muscle yet are so unbelievably weak and inflexible… for example, we know a guy who can bench press over 350 lbs but can’t do a measly 50 push-ups!
The point is, the exercises you choose and how you perform them not only determine how big, strong, and flexible you are, but also affect how your body functions and whether or not you suffer from aches, pains, and injuries like back pain and sciatic pain.
Ok, here they are… the exercises that create the most problems and are most likely to lead to back pain:
1. Bench Press2. Leg Extension
So, any of your favorites on this list?
While there are others, these are the two that cause the most damage.
There are several reasons why these exercises made our list of the “worst bodybuilding exercises”. First, all of them target areas that already tend to get worked a lot in everyday life and often times are overdeveloped…
and by focusing so much on these exercises you end up creating muscle imbalances, or worsening existing muscle imbalances, which pull your bones and joints out of their normal position…
and this leads to uneven pressure and wear and tear on your muscle, ligaments, tendons, bones, and joints and will sooner or later lead a break down or injury.
For example, chronic overuse of the bench press, coupled with little or no exercises targeting the upper back, leads to an overdevelopment of the chest and a lack of strength and development in the upper back…
This all too common combination leads to what we call “Turtle Back”. You know what we’re talking about, when the shoulders are pulled so far forward, lats are as wide as barn, and from behind, their back looks like a giant sea turtle shell!
This “Turtle Back” posture can create neck, upper back, and shoulder pain and injuries faster than you can pop an Advil!
Plus, how many times during your day are you forced to lie on your back and push up a bar loaded with weights? There are so many better exercises for chest development that not only stimulate more muscle, but also build more usable strength.
Now let’s talk about the fabulous thigh builder, the leg extension…
Not only does it place an unbelievable amount of strain on the knee joint, but it also will quickly overdevelop the quads, which are already getting far more work than their counterpart, the hamstrings.
An imbalance between the quadriceps and hamstrings, which is also extremely common in bodybuilders, is a key contributor to back pain. This imbalance is easily identifiable by what people often call “Bubble Butt” or “Ghetto Booty”.
So hopefully you can see how important it is to choose your exercises wisely. We strongly recommend you cut out these exercises, or at least cut back on using them and add in targeted exercises for the opposing muscle groups and targeted stretches for those tight, overdeveloped muscles.
The key to eliminating back pain, or any other ache, pain or injury for that matter, is to bring your body closer to balance…
What good is muscle if you can’t use it? How many more workouts are you going to miss because of back, neck, or shoulder pain? How much bigger and stronger could you be if back pain and other injuries weren’t ruining your training?
Just imagine how bad things will be 10, 20, or 30 years from now if you don’t make changes to your training now… but don’t take our word for it, ask some of the older bodybuilders who are paying the price now... you can spot them easily at the gym because they limp around trying to find something they CAN do.
Look for the next article, “Training Variations for Pain Relief and Maximum Results” very soon and in the mean time, if you are suffering from back pain or sciatic pain, here’s what you need to do…
Head on over to our website now to find out exactly what’s causing your back pain and the specific steps you need to take to get relief fast and get back to training at 100%.
Article by Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS and Steve Hefferon, CMT, CPRS Find out which back pain exercises actually work and you need to be doing… and which ones you must avoid like the plague!
Mindfulness and Pain: Just Say Ouch
What's the best way to manage pain?
Just say ouch.
That's a simplified description of the role of mindfulness in reducing the experience of pain. The secret isn't in focusing on the painful sensation itself. No, the power is in recognizing our tendency to say way more than ouch.
Here's the basic math: Suffering = Pain + Resistance. Can mindfulness reduce the sensation of pain? Not exactly, but it can markedly reduce the total suffering we experience by illuminating--and even eliminating--our resistance.
Pain is a warning. It informs and motivates us. If you're resting your hand on a hot stovetop, it's important to feel that pain in order to remove your hand quickly and avoid burns. We need the sensation of pain to protect our bodies from further injury.
Pain also teaches us new ways to move. If you are consistently hurting your back on the weekend, your pain is letting you know that 1) you need to rest and 2) you need to learn a healthier way to work or play.
Chronic pain is more difficult. It is hard to find any redeeming value in long-term pain. We've learned our lessons already, but it persists, and there's not much that can be done about it.
Mindfulness is extremely valuable in alleviating the experience of all kinds of pain but it is especially effective for those likely to hurt on a daily basis.
We feel pain. We say ouch--mentally or verbally. Then what happens? We get wrapped up in ways to resist the pain. We start a mental dialogue about how we're going to deal with it (medication, ice, heat, rest, acupuncture, massage, magnetic therapy, etc.). Then, we get caught in thoughts and emotions:
• Disappointment ("Now I can't go hiking.")
• Worry ("I hope it's nothing serious.")
• Fear ("What if it gets worse?")
• Anger ("Why is it hurting now? I already had surgery!")
• Depression ("What if I have to stop playing tennis?")
• Excitement ("I'm going into labor!")
Our resistance stirs up a lot more tension, resulting in a much more pronounced experience of the pain. Worrying about pain really does make it worse.
This is where mindfulness comes in. By paying attention to the thoughts and emotions that accompany pain, you can learn to separate these from the sensation. Once you've done that, you can actually eliminate the tension and see the pain for what it is--and no more.
By seeing the internal dialogue that comes with pain, you can learn to handle it skillfully and reduce your suffering.
The next time you feel pain, take a moment to focus on it. Watch your thoughts and emotions as they come up. Breathe. And go back to ouch.
Simple pain never felt so good.
Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse in Portland, Oregon. Through her company, Real-World Mindfulness Training, she teaches eyes-wide-open ways to get calm, clear and creative. To subscribe to her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage, visit
Magnetic Therapy for Pain Relief
Magnetic Therapy is making a comeback worldwide, companies are selling magnetic underlays for all sizes of beds, and they come in Cotton or Genuine Sheeps Wool.
There are small sized units, to fit on the wrist, fit on the waistband of underwear, belts to fit around your back, your knees or just about anywhere that you are likely to suffer pain. Some ladies are using a magnet that fits on the waistband of underwear at the front, when they are suffering menstrual pain, and they swear that it eases the pain. It has been claimed as a drug free alternative for insomnia, headaches and migraines, by sleeping with a magnetic pad in the pillow, it reacts on the Pineal Gland which is in the center of the brain and responds to a magnetic field.
Magnetic Therapy, is not new, it has been around for about 3000, years, it was supposed to have started at that time in India. The red dot worn by some Indian women on their forehead, was originally made from a magnetic powder. It was put on a important nerve point midway between the two eyes, an area that some believe is the third eye, it supposedly calmed down the brain and reduced stress, thereby keeping the ladies looking beautiful.
Magnets work on the circulatory system by making the blood flow faster and at the same time refining the blood. This helps the body to dispose of waste and toxins. A number of health problems are frequently due to a sluggish circulatory system and magnets appear to overcome a lot of these problems.
Science has shown that by placing a magnetic field next to the body, a bioelectric activity occurs. At the cellular level, it is the trace elements of Iron and Potassium in the blood that are drawn to the magnetic field causing a mild effect in the blood stream.
A large number of people feel heat when sleeping on a magnetic underlay, this is quite normal, this increases vasculation, oxygenation, balancing of energy flow and stimulation of the Lymphatic System.
Magnetic Therapy today is being used to treat many illnesses and painful conditions, it is a Natural Therapy, that really has no adverse side effects, you should increase your intake of pure water, to help the waste and toxins flush from the body, you might feel a little hot, but if you are in a cold climate, this is probably a beneficial side effect.
Scientists are researching the therapy and the benefits of treating colds and flu arthritis, reduction of stress and nervous problems. It has even been tried on people with partial damage to the spinal cord.
A number of famous people are using Magnetic Therapy, including Hollywood Stars and even one ex US President. Magnets have become an interest to the medical world. The powerful effects of healing through magnetism on thousands of patients, has caused some doctors to have another look at the situation.
Magnets themselves of course don’t heal anything; they stimulate the body into healing itself.
The body has a Natural Healing system installed at conception, this is the Immune System, but if it does no harm, why not give this system a bit of a boost along. The Immune System has quite a struggle in our modern day, fighting the effects of Chemicals, Pesticides, Herbicides gasses and a million other things that we eat, drink and breathe daily.
Information and Public Affairs Officer for: We have natural products that could be classed as a Vitamin for Boosting the Immune System
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Hydrocodone Celebrex? Vioxx? Can My Doctor Provide Me With Safe Pain Relief?
The news has been full of the recent FDA findings on a new set of drugs to help relieve pain. These drugs have been approved for re-release, but it is unclear whether Vioxx will be available again and whether physicians will feel comfortable prescribing Celebrex and Bextra for many of their patients.
What happened to these drugs?
Celebrex, Vioxx, and Bextra are all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, pronounced en-said-z), similar to drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen, that are available over the counter (OTC). Celebrex, Vioxx and Bextra, (sometimes called Cox-2 inhibitors) however, use a slightly different method to achieve the same effect as their OTC cousins; this new method was supposed to limit the side effects some people experience on OTC drugs, including stomach and intestinal problems and allergic reactions. It was thought that because these drugs were less likely to cause such problems, they might be safer for patients with painful chronic conditions (like arthritis) to use for long periods of time.
Unfortunately, some studies of Cox-2 inhibitors suggest that while they don’t cause the sorts of side effects of other NSAIDs, they may create a greater risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) or stroke. For people already at risk for these diseases (including those who have already experienced a stroke or heart problem), taking these drugs over the long run may significantly increase the risk of heart problems.
Now what do I do?
Until a final decision has been made on each of these drugs, what can your healthcare provider do to help you with pain management? Here are important pieces of information to think about in determining what next steps to take:
* The Cox-2 inhibitors were not shown to be more effective than other NSAIDs, like naproxen. If you’ve been on or thinking about trying Vioxx or another Cox-2 inhibitor, you may be able to use an older anti-inflammatory drug. Naproxen, one of the older NSAIDs, may be an anti-inflammatory drug that actually lowers heart attack risk.
* Some people started on a Cox-2 inhibitors because they had a stomach ulcer or other risk factors for stomach or intestine bleeding (for example, people on blood thinners), which may be made worse by older anti-inflammatory drugs. For some people who are at risk for bleeding, other options like acetaminophen may be an option.
* There are lots of other medical options. Steroids can be used for shorter periods of time to manage inflammatory pain from diseases like arthritis and lupus. Opioids (drugs that resemble opium), such as oxycodone, codeine, and hydrocodone (Vicodin) can help with pain management, but they can have serious side effects, and some of them can be addictive, so working closely with your healthcare worker is key to determine if these will work for you. In addition, some antidepressants may help with chronic (long-term) pain, though the way this works isn’t yet known
* New procedures may be of assistance to you. Nerve block therapy (in which certain nerves are temporarily anaesthetized) can relieve pain temporarily. “Implantable “technologies, like spinal cord stimulation (SCS) systems and implantable drug delivery systems, do seem to help some people for whom other pain relief methods don’t work.
* If you aren’t getting the relief you need (with or without the use of Cox-2 inhibitors), you may want to consult a pain specialist. Some large hospitals (such as Stanford University) have departments devoted to pain management. The American Board of Pain Medicine and the PainConnection (at can help you locate a pain specialist who can work with your other healthcare professionals to put a new treatment plan together for you.
Harris, G., “F.D.A. Official Admits 'Lapses' on Vioxx,” New York Times, March 2, 2005
Krames, E., “Implantable Technologies: Spinal Cord Stimulation and Implantable Drug Delivery Systems,”
Winfield, J. et al “A Primer on Pain Management: Optimal Therapy for the Patient in Pain,” Medscape CME, February 2005.
Ian Mason, owner of Shoppe.MD Online Pharmacy
Ian studies health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.
Contact Ian Mason by e-mail at
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Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Hydrocodone Sources
Hydrocodone Sources Hey this is great, its hard to get people to talk openly about their pain and methods of relief. The most wonderful thing is that modern medicine has developed amazing medications that are available for pain relief, leaving the sufferers of pain able to lead a more normal life. Hydrocodone, among other medications, is a result of the chemistry of modern pharmaceuticals, many other pain relief medication are as well due to modern pharmaceuticals. We can all be thankful that we live in a time period that affords us the luxury of modern medications to help our ailments. I hope MANY, many people will post their thoughts, their stuggles and their victories when it comes to finding relief from pain.